A review by vicky30312
Emergency Contact by Mary H.K. Choi


I picked this book up on a whim. It sounded cute and I found it for 30% off. And I am so glad I did.
Every turn of the page I found myself nodding along and tabbing my favourite quotes. I don't like I've ever related to a character as much as I did Penny.

When I first started reading I didn't think I was going to like Penny, but I liked Sam's parts right off the bat. Clearly Penny grew on me. I loved the fact that this book dealt with some very serious topics and issues but made them very relatable. I don't typically like when there is a story within a story but the fact that the Anima's story related so much to the IRL problems made it flow so naturally. I couldn't put this book down.

I can't wait until Mary writes more YA Books. Officially hooked.

Some of my favourite quotes:

"Penny wasn't a covert crack addict or a compulsive masturbator, but she didn't have an appreciation for privacy until she shared a room with a girl who could go to the bathroom with the door open while naked and eating pretzels dipped in hummus."

"Some people's coping mechanisms were all about festering and secrecy and ruminating until you grew yourself into a nice little tumor in your heart with a side of panic."

"Penny wanted to be normal. She was eighteen, for christ's sake, a respectable age to start having healthy consensual sex. Sexy sex with someone sexy."

"When it came to perspiration, Penny had a problem. Not that she stank of BO or anything. It's just that from March to around October she was invariably damp."