A review by renuked
The Place on Dalhousie by Melina Marchetta


Wow, I am really sad. This book was why I didn't really want to continue reading about the Saving Francesca gang. They are too human. In an ideal world, I could pretend like they all lived in the same town, had kids in the same town, and hung out all the time. Like the show FRIENDS but in Sydney, Australia.

Unfortunately, as we all know, real life doesn't work that way. This book hurt, because it reminded me how everyone faces the same thing. After high school/college, what happens to everyone? Where does everyone go? Everyone doesn't stay in the same town, people have ambitions and dreams, and sometimes it takes them far away from the people they love.

Luckily, this book also reminds you that, even if you are far away, you'll still always be friends.