A review by peterkeep
The Infernal Battalion by Django Wexler


I love this series and I love this book.

Django Wexler has masterfully crafted a series that marries gunpowder and muskets with demons and sorcery...it's damn near perfect.

Django's characters are so good, and that stays true here. Winter is charismatic and exciting, Raes grows as a diplomat and is as conniving as she is loyal to her people. Marcus is thrust into leadership and continues to exude competence. And Janus is....well, Janus. There was a perfect moment in the early parts of the book where I actually said out loud, "What's Janus up to here?" That about sums him up. Django does a great job of writing a convincing genius. 5 books in we kinda know what we're getting with the main characters, but they're still so wonderful.

There's a really nice cast of secondary characters. Django did a really nice job of giving the background characters real roles throughout the series, so by now they're familiar even if they only have a little "screen time." Characters like Abby (one of my favorites) and Cyte.

This book in particular is great because it pits titans against each other. Marcus vs Janus. Winter vs Jane. Infernivore vs the Beast. Vordan vs Borel. Monarchy vs Democracy. There's a lot going on, and it all converges to a fiery, fast paced plot. Django has spent the beginning of the series building up these ideas and themes and his planning really pays off here.

Anyways, I can't say enough good things about this book and this series. It wraps up really well. I'll definitely miss it now that it's finished.