A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
United by Melissa Landers


When I saw those books in a Facebook group (where they were offered way too expensive, so I bought them cheaper somewhere else) I couldn't know how much I would truly enjoy them. Yes, I know that I love sci-fi. I know that I love the more old school love stories in YA's. I know that I like it even more if this love story is doomed or made impossible from the start, but still. After finishing the second book I couldn't wait to read this third.

I have to admit that this book was a little less my thing that the previous two books. And that's not because the book was bad. On the contrary. The book was good. It had loads of action, there was constantly something going on and it was almost impossible to put the book down because both the characters and the readers didn't get the time to breathe, but it was too much of a space war book for me, which is the only kind of sci-fi I like less.

I already saw it coming. The build up was there. And although it was way too much fighting for my liking, I did enjoy that our heroes had to use their brain to win the fight. Eventually the war wasn't won by using violence or brute force. It was won by using knowledge and weaknesses. And once again, it's quite clear that Landers really thought well about everything and even though it's all fiction I truly believe her science!

Although the relationship between our two heroes is less rocky in this book, I liked how Landers managed to make it feel real. They didn't have this perfect relationship, where there were never any issues or problems. They had their fights, they had their moments of misunderstanding, they had to learn how to live together, how to work together. And I really enjoyed watching them grow and learn and become an even better couple at the end of the book.