A review by amandalynnhuffman
Well Matched by Jen DeLuca


Best in the series!

Mitch went from somewhat charming side character to my dream MMC real quick. April is so relatable to me, it’s crazy. The two of them together makes so much sense and their dynamic was my favorite of all the couples. Very black cat-golden retriever.

For the third book in a row, I’m thinking that I want to run away to the renaissance festival and live there. Not sure how Jen manages to make it sound so appealing, but it is what it is. I want to see men in kilts and hear their Scottish accents. Or Irish. Or British. I’m not picky. I want to wear a corset, and a flower crown, and not be able to breathe. I want a funnel cake and a frozen lemonade. I want to listen to bar maid stories and pub songs. I want it all. Will I actually go through with this and attend a festival? Probably not. So thank God for this series.

Yet again…the third act breakup. Why? Why is Jen doing this to me? It needs to stop. THERE ARE OTHER WAYS TO BUILD SUSPENSE IN A STORY. THE COUPLE DOES NOT NEED TO BREAK UP. This is a hill I am willing to die on. And yet, it’s still five stars for me. I loved it enough that I can excuse those horrible few chapters and let it lie.

I had so much fun reading this and I am truly sad this series is coming to an end.