A review by maddoxx
Ruf des Mondes: ein Mercy-Thompson-Roman by Patricia Briggs


3.5 Stars

The sheer amount of characters, pretty much all hunky werewolf guys, was pretty confusing to me.
To be fair, I knew what kind of book I was getting into before I started reading and it was exactly what I needed. An absolute delight.
It's not easy for me to find me a brand of supernatural romance that I like because I usually have a really hard time identifying with the protagonist and/or I have a completely different taste in men than the author. However, I really really like Mercy Thompson and my gay ass will probably stick around just for her. And while Adam isn't exactly my type, he's pleasant and a fun character.
For all this talk about alphas and dominance (something that's usually REALLY not my thing) I was surprised by how little it bothered me. I think I quite like the worldbuilding so far, including all of the werewolf shenanigans. Big fan of how Briggs included, apart from the obvious werewolves, vampires and witches, some fae folk as well. And of course, native american myths (but I'm not an expert about those and all I can pretty much say is "it's cool that they're in there!", so I don't feel qualified to talk about the matter).

I had some problems following the twists and turns but that might honestly be because of me misremembering or forgetting characters and because I wanted to get to the action, lol. The ending felt a bit rushed with a lot of strange breaks between scenes.

A fun read, I'd definitely recommend it.