A review by missjustynak
Call My Name by Jenni Ogden, Jenni Ogden


4.5 stars

I had no expectation going into this. Read the description, thought it sounded interesting, ended up really enjoying it. I think the flow of the story surprised me the most. There was just so much going on that kept it going for me and kept me reading/listening.

(1) Narrator Naomi Barton did an excellent job
(2) The characters - I found one of the main relationships the book focused on was that between Olivia and her foster sister Cassandra and I didn't really like either one of them, but I think that was the point. Olivia didn't know how to belong but wanted to and Cassandra treated her as if she did from the beginning. I think their dynamic was meant to be broken although sometimes it felt like it was brought on by Olivia herself. The supporting cast however - parents, husbands, kids - I really enjoyed. I thought they were smart and supportive and great characters helping move the story forward
(3) The story spanning decades. Watching relationships grow/fail/triumph/end. It was amazing how invested one can get in fictional lives

(1) Some years went by really fast. There was a point where Olivia went to first live with the Tulloch's and became friends with the children and suddenly they were adults. Then later on in their lives as they were mentioning the great relationship between Olivia and Cassandra I think it felt a little like where did this come from because there was no real exploration into their close friendship. At least I felt like it was just a mention of it but no feel for it. Maybe that is why I didn't fully understand Olivia and Cassandra's relationship in later years. I was constantly asking myself if they were ever close or if I made that up in my head.

Overall great read. Jenni Ogden did a great job and I was invested till the end. I also liked that there was a clear end. The main storyline felt complete and I wasn't left wondering what else could have happened in Olivia's life or what else she could do/have done. It felt finished and satisfactory.

Thank you NetGalley and Sea Dragon Press for the arc.