A review by bootman
Can't Pay, Won't Pay: The Case for Economic Disobedience and Debt Abolition by Debt Collective


This was such a fantastic book because it hits you with one of those, “Oh my God. You’re right,” moments as soon as you realize what Taylor is talking about. I honestly haven’t had a moment like that since I first discovered Bernie Sanders and his policy ideas and said, “Yeah. Why is healthcare directly tied to our employment?”. Astra Taylor and her organization argue that we should abolish debt and lays out a multitude of reasons why that is. The current system is set up for debt to accumulate while the rich get richer and wealth inequality gets even worse in our country.

Whenever I hear the word “abolish”, I instantly think the opinions are going to be way too extreme, but Astra Taylor makes an extremely strong argument. She explains how all of these rich corporations have their debt forgiven regularly, but for some reason, we common folk are seen as “irresponsible”. Meanwhile Wall Street is recklessly gambling with the economy, and Taylor even explains how the lack of accountability for these companies has led to contaminated water and health issues for communities.

I still don’t know if I’m on board with eliminating all debt, but I’m a firm believer in fighting for the extreme so we can maybe compromise by getting something reasonable. At the very least, the average American should get the same perks and benefits as these multi-millionaires and multi-billionaires who regularly have their debt forgiven while the rest of us struggle to get by.