A review by anxietygirl89
Just a Girl by Carrie Mesrobian




I kept thinking this book would get better, but not so much. I also HATED the ending.

She was assaulted by a grown man her sophmore year of high school. She didn't think of it as assault, even though she was wasted and the only person she ever told about it was her boyfriend senior year. He goes on and on about how fucked up that situation was and how it seemed a little rapey. She still doesn't see it that way. 

She cheats on her boyfriend, who's in love with her and thinks they have a future together because she won't tell him otherwise, with a twenty something year old Russian guy. She also sees nothing wrong with that aside from occasionally feeling a little guilt about her boyfriend. 

I wanted to like this book. I kept thinking it would get better. Maybe she would finally tell a friend or her parents what happened to her and get some help. But no. The fucking ending! Ugh. Major spoiler ahead............. she leaves with Russian guy to go to Russia with him without even telling anyone. What. The. Fuck.