A review by zare_i
Dune: House Atreides, Volume One by Brian Herbert, Kevin J. Anderson


This is comic adaptation of Brian Herbert's prequel novel of the same name. As such it suffers from the same downsides as original novel.

While original Dune books slowly evolved in pretty convoluted metaphysical and philosophical mambo-jumbo (I mean there are entries in this saga that are hundred's of pages long and story takes place in period of maybe few months) original three books (Dune, Dune Messiah and Children of Dune) were masterpieces because they were to-the-point and very lean examples of writing.

Dune prequels suffer of well known prequel syndrome - they try to explain every nook and cranny and story suffers because of this because it starts to look like pure filler. Don't get me wrong, Butlerian Jihad stories were great, but rest were a little bit ... underwhelming [at least to me].

That being said this is excellent introduction for new readers and I think lots of people will also pick up novels and start deep-diving into this universe.

Art is a little bit too cartoonish (reminds me of art for Star Wars Bane comics). It is not bad but for this universe maybe more .... realistic? ..... art would be better. But again it is my opinion.

Interesting book that will definitely introduce the Dune universe to wider range of readers.
