A review by helpfulsnowman
Avengers Academy, Vol. 2: Will We Use This in the Real World? by Mike McKone, Christos Gage


You know what's weird about the world of comic books? How does it seem to work out that there are so many villains? What's up with all these assholes getting superpowers and using them to initiate a beating by their arch-nemesis (by which I mean "most local superhero")? The math just doesn't work out for me so much. How many people grow up wanting to be Batman compared to the number who want to be the Penguin?

The real losers in this whole thing? The banking industry. How many times does Dr. Octopus rob your local Wells Fargo before you say fuck it and keep your cash in a mason jar? Even if he doesn't get your cash through bank robbery, I can barely stand going in that place based on the waiting in line alone. If there was even a slim chance that I'd be crushed by a robotic arm or webbed to a wall, forget it.