A review by nadine_booklover
Everest by S.L. Scott


Everest was my third book by S.L. Scott and this is by far my favorite now!

"That man. He’s affecting my head and my heart. That only means one thing—Trouble."

I really don't know where to begin. Maybe with saying that Ethan Everest is the most perfect book-boyfriend I've met since I'm addicted to reading romance books. I fell for him like he fell for Singer: as soon as he first laid eyes on her. I've noticed throughout the whole book: This man seriously seems to have no flaws. Ethan is kind, attentive, charming, caring, smart and with a good sense of humor. In addition to that he's very protective of what he loves. He puts himself last when he should be putting himself first and buries his feelings only that others can come first. Ethan is confident and he owns every room or place he enters with so much ease it's almost unbelievable.
The fact, that he's ridiculously handsome and rich, that's only the cherry on top. And I would love him even if he wasn't. It was so easy to see him the way Singer sees him: Prince Charming par excellence!
If I could put together the man of my dreams, I would pick Ethan right out of this book.

"But there’s something about Singer. She’s in a league of her own, and she doesn’t even realize it."

Singer is also one perfect heroine herself. She's beautiful inside out and seeing her through Ethan's eyes is great experience. She is strong minded and independent. Singer cares deeply and loves freely. She's trusting, trustworthy and loyal to the bone. But she's also a dreamer with her head in the clouds and her feet firmly on the ground. She's hopelessly romantic and a strong believer. If Singer enters a room she shines like the sun and everyone is automatically drawn to her but she's totally oblivious to this fact.
I saw myself in her so easily.

“Like the hours, it’s not about the minutes that make them up, but the moments that make them memorable.” - This quote describes the message of this book perfectly. Ethan's and Singer's story shows us how our decisions in life influence our present and future. How valuable time is. That it is important to follow your heart on a way that leads you to being happy with the people you love. Dream big and don't be afraid to go for your dream. And yes, trust doesn't comes easily and it shouldn't and you should always be aware that trust can be broken more easily than it's built. But to trust is essential and can be even more rewarding.

"But her outlook on life, the way she sees me, the peace she brings to my life, she’s my North Star. She’s the one I look to when I’m struggling to find my way home." - This goes both ways. Ethan and Singer are so perfect together. They both were looking for a home they never knew they wanted and became each others save heaven.

There is one part in this book, a twist that came totally unexpected and broke my heart. It took me as much by surprise as it hit the main characters. And yes, it had my eyes water. Because what happened is one of the things in life I'm most afraid of. The way Ethan and Singer deal with it is like "best practice". Giving the other the space they need and still being there, trusting to find back to each other. Trusting that love can be enough.

What I love about this book is the fact that everything build slowly. Nothing felt rushed and it has some kind of natural, realistic aura.

“It’s never been about repaying the sun. It’s about making the sun shine in the dark. Let me be your moon and light your night."

Thank you Suzie for this amazing story. This is what every romantic girl and romance fan dreams of! You've outdone yourself with Everest and its way on my all-time-fav list was an easy one.

"His love for me runs deep. My love for him is bigger than the mountain sharing his name."