A review by oumaimabendjama
The Atheist Muslim: A Journey from Religion to Reason by Ali A. Rizvi


“Human beings have rights and are entitled to respect. Ideas, books, and beliefs don’t, and aren’t.”

In his book, Ali advocate for freedom of speech that guarantees his right to criticise/question any ideology ( including Islam), because he has seen what it looks like not to be able to express ideas and opinions in fear of governmental persecution in countries such as Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. But he has also lived through the ani-Muslim bigotry that arose after 9/11, so he is persistent in making the distinction between criticising an ideology and dehumanizing a whole community. He still sees himself as a part of the Muslim community even after rejecting his faith hence comes the title of this book.

As many have already said, this book can really contribute to the creation of healthy debates on Islam and its interpretations, especially among Muslims in the west. I am not sure, however, that it will have the same kind of impact on the Muslim community elsewhere.

A good summary of what goes on in the minds of most modern ex-Muslims.