A review by declaired
Arrivals by Patty Bryant, Malinda Lo, Racheline Maltese, Joel Derfner, Ellen Kushner, Alaya Dawn Johnson


I AM SO EXCITED TO BE BACK IN THE CITY. There are so many ways I have longed for the cobbled cramped streets of Riverside, with its danger and blood; the hungry ravens of the University; the bitchy finery and refinery of the Hill.

There are 3 ongoing plot lines, one following my very favorite Duchess Tremontaine, known and loved from Swordspoint and the stories in The Privilege of the Sword, another with Micah, a neuro-atypical math savant kid getting into trouble at the University, and my new fave, a foreign trader named Ixkaab Balam, who wants to be a swordswoman and is itching for trouble, and who got one of the top lines of this "episode"-- "The agent laughed with the patronizing amusement of one not used to hearing his language imperfectly understood. What a hick!" (AMAZING. WHAT A TURNABOUT OF A LINE)

Anyway! So much diversity in storytelling main characters, so much casual queerness, so many subtle noble power games and passive aggression, so many promises of FURTHER SWORDS, LADIES LADIES EVERYWHERE, etc etc, I knew this would be amazing based on the authors and the premise and it IS.

The format is also AMAZING I love serial writing, can't wait to read this over the next couple months!