A review by amdame1
The Long Ride by Marina Budhos


Three bi/multi-racial girls have all been best of friends in their neighborhood school in NYC in the 1970's but a new integration plan has them taking the bus to a school over an hour away. One girl's parents decide to have her go to a private school nearby instead. The other two endure the bus ride and swear to maintain their friendship. However, one of the girls is drawn in by the Latinx crowd and the other slowly becomes friends with a boy but they can only be friends at school.

Girls are in middle school, so will not hold much appeal for high school solely due to age difference. As with most historical fiction, may require a hand sell; could be a niche audience - which is a shame as I enjoyed getting to know the characters while lamenting a world where such things happened and continue to happen. The relevancy remains. A strong novel about friendship, race, and family.