A review by ponch22
The Flick by Annie Baker


This play came up on a short list of possible productions for a local theatre's 2018 schedule and I've owned it for well over a year, so I figured I should get around to reading it.

I've seen author [a:Annie Baker|3152759|Annie Baker|https://s.gr-assets.com/assets/nophoto/user/f_50x66-6a03a5c12233c941481992b82eea8d23.png]'s [b:Circle, Mirror, Transformation|9187985|Circle Mirror Transformation|Annie Baker|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1328041538s/9187985.jpg|14067389] before—I remember liking the production (although I don't remember much about the story). I was interested in reading another Pulitzer winner; I've enjoyed several of the ones I've seen/read before [b:Proof|150720|Proof|David Auburn|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1417605435s/150720.jpg|1632], [b:Doubt: A Parable|20406843|By John Patrick Shanley Doubt A Parable|-Dramatist's Play Service-|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1388534750s/20406843.jpg|29008342], [b:August, Osage County|2437710|August Osage County|Tracy Letts|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1354209733s/2437710.jpg|2444898], and of course Hamilton!). However, this one was a bit of a disappointment.

I've always loved movies—in fact, there were some years where I saw over 200 films in theaters—and I love the theatre... How could a play about movies go wrong?!

[b:The Flick|17675118|The Flick|Annie Baker|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1397635530s/17675118.jpg|24678853] tells the story of three employees of The Flick, a small Massachusetts one-screen movie theater. Sam is 35 years old and stuck doing cleanup, refreshments, and box office when he really feels he should be promoted to projectionist. Unfortunately for him, Rose, his cute 20-something coworker, got the promotion over him despite having worked there for less time. The two are joined by Avery, a depressed 20-year-old college kid who applies to The Flick simply because it's one of the few movie houses to still have a non-digital projector.

Sam trains Avery and the two spend the play sweeping up popcorn, mopping up sodas, and talking about their lives and movie trivia. The script is a mere 117 pages, but I've read that the production was 3 hours—I can only imagine there is a lot of sweeping and mopping and the direction must have built in a lot of silences. I suppose the play might be better than the script, but other than a few funny scenes I recognized (I've played that good ol' Six Degrees game plenty of times) I didn't love the script. I wonder if the Pulitzer is awarded to the script or the play (e.g. are they awarding the NY production or Baker's actual writing?).

I also wonder how long this play will last—the movie references all felt somewhat dated here in 2016; I can't imagine how much more dated they will feel in another 5, 10, or 20 years... I guess maybe I'll have to just audition for it if it does make the 2018 season of my local theatre.