A review by bibliobrandie
The Labors of Hercules Beal by Gary D. Schmidt


Wow, I just loved this book! Seventh grader, Hercules Beal, has to fulfill a year-long assignment (Classical Mythology Application Project) for his new teacher (Lieutenant Colonel Hupfer) - to perform the Twelve Labors of Hercules. Hercules is experiencing grief over the loss of his parents, who died a year earlier in a car accident, and his brother has returned to take care of him and the family business. - I loved the relationship between Hercules and Lieutenant Colonel Hupfer. I loved the relationship between Hercules and his brother, Achilles. This book made me laugh, it made me cry (Achilles waiting for Hercules to come back safely from the dunes each day!). I am a huge Gary Schmidt fan. I love how he helps young people ask big questions.