A review by drbjjcarpenter
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Guilty Pleasures, Volume 1 by Laurell K. Hamilton


Whilst I have always been interested in the characters and ideas within graphic novels, it has been a long time since last I actually read any and therefore it took me a little while to get into the swing of things again and finally be able to relax and simply read it without difficulty.

The story was intriguing and I will look forwards to finding out where it goes if I am fortunate enough to locate a copy of the next few issues. It very much employed several of the more-traditional concepts from Vampire lore and legend and managed to include them in a contemporary setting. Naturally, everything was overly sexualised and all of the young people are portrayed as physically perfect, but Antia herself made up for much of this, as she is far more than the typical "pretty face instead of a personality" character.

Three stars, as it was pretty good, but not incredible!