A review by letsgolesbians
La Ballade de Sawyer Bell by Avon Gale


Oh wow, I loved this book.

I love a well-written band/tour romance; Open Road Summer is one of my other favorites. Love Song was sweet and honest, with characters who felt like real people and conversations that also felt real. Sawyer has a little bit of self-discovery regarding her sexuality, but her bigger journey is trying to figure out if she should go back for her final year at Juilliard. Vix is happy in her sexuality, but is worried about her band and her happiness. They go from friends to FWB to falling in love and I loved it, and Sawyer’s inner monologues about everything she was thinking and feeling just felt so much like things that I (and other queer lady friends of mine) have had in the past. The book is incredibly sex-positive, plus an ace character is included in a conversation about queerness and someone at one point says there are more than two genders, there are multiple arguments about the dangers of biphobia (warning for that) and about stereotypes.

Sometimes I need a break from YA, and even though the characters in this were still younger than I am, the swearing and bluntness about sex and the honesty helped me connect to it more than I have to some younger f/f stories (which makes sense—as an adult, YA isn’t written for me). I’m really glad I bought this.