A review by chllybrd
Withering Rose by Kaitlyn Davis

I gave it 3.5 stars

I didn't fall in love with GATHERING FROST, but I liked it enough to be interested when I saw that WITHERING ROSE was available for review.

Davis introduces a new take on Beauty and the Beast in WITHERING ROSE. Omorose is from the magic side of things and is forced to keep her magic under lock and key to keep herself safe, but she can't do it anymore and heads to the only place she can think of that will let her be herself, the realm of the Beast. I found Omorose very determined despite her fears. She didn't give up and didn't let herself be pushed into doing things even though it would have made things easier. Cole was pretty gruff, but quickly grew on me. He is very protective of his people and Omorose quickly become one of them and more to him. Together the pair fit and complimented each other. The romance was sweet and the relationship ended strong.

Some will be happy to know that Jade and Asher from book one made an appearance in WITHERING ROSE. Those that know my reviews know that I love seeing past main characters throughout a series. Book three—which will be a Cinderella retelling—will feature someone related to Omorose, so I hope that we get to see all of the characters together at some point during it. I enjoyed WITHERING ROSE more than I did GATHERING ROSE and I hope that book three brings my enjoyment up even more.

* This book was provided free of charge from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.