A review by katemiller41
Captain Fantastic by Tom Doyle


This book probably doesn't truly deserve such a low rating, but I really struggled through it.

I picked this up as a way of participating in the "Reading Without Walls" initiative. The concept is to read something outside of your reading norms. I don't generally read nonfictions, so that was an obvious choice. And while I like music, I don't have much in common with a gay male rock star, so I thought this would be a good jump out of my comfort zone.

It may be the fact that I dislike nonfiction, or it may truly have been a slow form of torture to read the first half of this book. It was a month by month account of Elton John's early career. While I can appreciate needing a backstory, and building the story from the ground up, I really felt like this was beating a dead horse. There were so many opportunities for Doyle to expand on a funny anecdote, or delve into a great show or story, but they were just skimmed over in order to cover the large amount of activity the Elton John experienced in the peak of his popularity.

While I understand the approach, I did not enjoy it. I took the step out of my reading bounds, and did not enjoy it. Better luck next time I guess.