A review by alexcarbonneau
The Innocents by Ace Atkins


Everybody needs a little Quinn Colson, Tibbehah County and Ace Atkins in their lives once in a while.

This is number 6 in the series and I move to rename the thing to the Tibbehah County Series instead of the Quinn Colson Series.
This modern western saga is so much more than a single MC, especially this iteration where Atkins finally centered it a bit more around Lily Virgil. It was refreshing to have her point of view. Virgil definitely has the strengh and complexity to get her own novel.

Tibbehah affectionados : this one follows the same recipe and even though you won't re-evaluate your life priorities after reading it, it is still damn good southern grit-lit and it sure is nice to renew with this universe.

Bonus points. Is it just me or Atkins got a bit more litterate on this one than his writing was in the previous Colson novels ?