A review by whimsicalmeerkat
Child 44 by Tom Rob Smith


I knew nothing about [a:Tom Rob Smith|981834|Tom Rob Smith|http://photo.goodreads.com/authors/1254868572p2/981834.jpg] or [b:Child 44|2161733|Child 44|Tom Rob Smith|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1255690645s/2161733.jpg|2167258] when I saw it in my library, but from the description on the back it sounded interesting so I picked it up. As it turns out, that description was not terribly accurate, but I liked the book even more than I expected. The era of Soviet history in which it is set is one that I want to learn more about and the story of Andrei Chikatilo, on which the novel is loosely based, is one that has long horrified and fascinated me. Overall, this is an excellent, chilling story. I not only intend to read the next books in the trilogy, I added eight books to my to read list based on his descriptions of what they were and how they figured into his research.