A review by circlepines
Le Cinquième Beatles by Andrew C. Robinson, Kyle Baker, Vivek J. Tiwary


Behind the scenes Brian Epstein was one of the transformative figures of modern pop music: the man who discovered The Beatles and figured out how to spin their homegrown talent into an international phenomenon. He was also an outsider in the music world -- gay and closeted, Jewish, with a dishonorable army discharge and a background running a family record store -- and his death at age 32 left plenty of secrets and a management void that lead to The Beatles' fragmentation. This book sketches his achievements and inner struggles with honesty, sensitivity, and captivating art. Brian Epstein deserves a comprehensive, rigorously-researched biography, and this isn't it -- there are too few citations and too many liberties taken to satisfy a devoted Beatles wonk. But it is a beautiful, impressionistic tribute to someone who deserves more recognition, and it's subtle enough to be worth reading more than once.