A review by mariyavd
The Dead Pennies by Robert Ford


First I want to give thanks to Netgalley and Cemetery dance publications for providing me copy of this book!
The first part was nothing special. Abby starting a new life, getting back in touch with an old friend. That was it basically. The second part gave me a real hope, that the book will be actually good. We learn the story of the "dead pennies", we follow some of what happened in the facility and the life there. But then the third part really mad me upset. Bare in mind that in the whole book there are few noises and couple of strange things happening in the apartment, nothing much. And then we start with a scene of an action movie-guns, fights ect. Then we go to psycho-stalker mode. And then there are ghost! Why? Are they helping her? Are they after everyone? I don't know! And then all is done. Cut the scene!!! And all the snickering throughout the book... there was a lot of snickering! If you got until here thank you for reading my rant!