A review by chronicallyplotting
How Does That Make You Feel?: True Confessions from Both Sides of the Therapy Couch by Sherry Amatenstein


I feel disappointed. I love reading but this was an absolute chore to finish. Having started therapy and reading about this book I had hope to gain “insight” on how therapists thing and if what other patients experience is “normal”. I mean that is what the description of the book claimed it was about. But no it is a bunch of short stories and the only thing in common is some are therapists, some went to therapy or some should’ve. Had nothing to do with an inside look of therapy or what they think about you. If anything most of these stories made me not want to go to therapy at all. They made me not want to trust a therapists intentions or authenticity in whether they care or not. Most seem to hate their job or hate going. Two stars simply because I finished it and a few of the stories were okish.