A review by juliavdelft
Danse de la Folie by Sherwood Smith


I've had this on my to-read list for a long time. When you find out one of your favourite authors is also part of the Georgette Heyer fan club and wrote her own Regency romances, it's pretty exciting, and this did not disappoint.

The beginning felt a little strange to me as I didn't know what was going on - why where they on a boat?? Maybe I was skim-reading. Anyway, the characters were all likeable, although I couldn't help but see Elinor and Edward (S&S) in the Clarissa-St. Tarval relationship. I preferred Catherine and Philip, although found it hard to believe that Catherine was that oblivious of her good looks when everyone continually said how pretty she was. Overall, though, the story was cute and fun, and filled with Regency details, and made me (once again) want to live 200 years ago.

Recommended if you like clean, somewhat humorous, Regency romance.