A review by ifyouhappentoremember
The She-Wolf by Maurice Druon



Alright I’m out. This is going to be the last book I read in this series. I’ve had enough.

The elements that I enjoyed in this series, the conniving characters and the sharp bickering, are mostly absent. I also found this entry to be dull. Mostly, I’m just disappointed in Druon’s characterization of Isabella of France. We had the potential for a clever, conniving female character on the level of Mahaut d’Artois but instead, Isabella is a weak willed woman held in the sway of Roger Mortimer. It’s such a shame. The historical record indicates that Isabella was a multifaceted woman but through Druon’s (sexist) 1950s understanding of history, Isabella is a supporting character in her own life.

I can’t get through the final two books in the series. I just don’t have the strength.