A review by sjj169
We Can Never Go Home Volume 1 by Matthew Rosenberg, Patrick Kindlon


I started to give this dang book a 2 star, but it was like a trainwreck..I couldn't look away and I thought about it all last night. So a 3 it is getting.

Madison is one of the 'popular' girls and is going out with that hot football player. They go off and are doing the smooching thing when he wants to take it farther. Madison says no. Then a little dork named Dustin shows up and thinks he is saving the day. Not. Madison's eyes go all glowy and she kicks some ass.
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Dustin is a first class hanger on person and he tells her that they will be judged, because he has powers also. He can kill people.
Dustin gets a bit power happy because he is a dumbass.
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The crap hits the fan because of more of Dustin's stupidity.
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So they have to go on the run. Lots of Madison being stupid and listening to Dustin happens. She even takes his advice to go all superheroey.
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The whole book consisted of me wondering if she has so much powers and is so ass-kicky then why does she listen to dork ass Dustin? Then a naked picture and the size of certain body parts made me say "ohhhhh"

(I would totally share that image-but I get flagged enough)

Totally worth the read so that you can sit here with me and shake your head. Do it.

Booksource: I was gifted a copy of this book from a wonderful book fairy.

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Check out my buddy SUSAN's review I hadn't heard of this little book until she clued me into it.