A review by adanna_h
Breaking South by Aly Stiles


Genevieve Fox is a pop icon. Instead of being on top of the world, she is on the verge of a major meltdown ala Brittney Spears. She's so unhappy but her inner circle either doesn't recognize it or they don't know what to do about it. Enter Oliver Levesque, a professional hockey player, and star in his own right. He's undergoing a lengthy rehab for an injured knee. The two meet at a charity event and feel an immediate connection. Oliver catches a glimpse of the woman behind the manufactured image and he's pursuing her. Can he help Genevieve find her authentic self?

I really can't say enough good things about this book! First, Oliver. We all need someone like him in our lives. He's a genuinely nice guy who puts everyone else's needs before his own. He stands beside Genevieve giving her the strength to face the darkness that surrounds her and the courage to be the best version of herself. His support of her is touching and heartwarming!

Genevieve is a beautiful soul who is unsure who she really is because she's been so focused on the sculpted version of herself. I cheered for Genevieve as she battled to get rid of her fake persona and find her real self. On some level, everyone can relate to Genevieve's struggle to find herself.

I couldn't put this book down. I read it in one day; I was so immersed in Genevieve and Oliver's story. Breaking South is a special, beautifully written story that I highly recommend!

Thank you to the author for an advance copy of this book. I volunteered to provide a review. All opinions are my own.