A review by shayneyj
Becoming Belle by Nuala O'Connor


*I received a free copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest and unbiased review of the book.*

I'm not going to lie, I saw this beautiful cover and immediately feel in love and requested this book from NetGalley instantly, only briefly glancing at what the book was about. After learning that my request had been accepted, I got so excited and immediately dove into this book, checking out the synopsis fully beforehand but without actually realising that it was based on a true story.

I didn't really enjoy this book at all and I kept continually putting it down, not only because I kept getting bored and wasn't enjoying the writing of it, but also because I wasn't liking the main character Belle at all, finding her selfish. There was nothing that made me want to pick this book back up once I had put it down, except for the fact that it was a NetGalley read and I needed to finish it in order to review it. It advertised as being witty and inherently feminist and it wasn't either of those things. I don't know how much of this book is actually based on true events and I'm not interested in learning, which is shocking to me as I usually go exploring the real events afterwards, which for me, goes to show my complete lack of interest in this book. 

I have really been enjoying historical reads lately, but this one was certainly a miss for me. Whether it was the story, the writing, the characters or a combination, I found this book lacking.