A review by reading_meg
The Stars of Mount Quixx by S.M. Beiko


Thank you Netgalley and ECW Press Audio for this ARC!

- This book is definitely very odd and fantastical! This would be a great read for anyone who likes mysterious ~vibes~ and lots of great queer characters.
- I agree with a lot of the other reviews that mention that this book is pretty hard to categorize. It doesn't feel very YA, but I wouldn't put it as a MG either. It's hard to pinpoint what time frame the book is inspired in, with a lot of conflicting clues (such as attitudes towards women from the 1800s, but also one of the characters is constantly described as wearing a zoot suit).
-I struggled with the characters that seemed to be the villains. They felt pretty superfluous throughout the book, and their POV chapters felt like they easily could have been cut without losing much.
- This book is so long, and the pacing is pretty slow at times. I definitely prefer faster paced books, so the audiobook was a lifesaver.
- There's simultaneously so much description and details, while also not enough worldbuilding for me to feel like I understand what's going on in the universe.