A review by char9222
Eviglivet by Gena Showalter


I've got mixed feelings about this book, too.

The purpose of the war between the two realms still isn't really explained - only that Ambrosine, the Dark Prince, wants to rule over both realms... And that Eron, the Good Prince, is good and wonderful and very forgiving and understanding... I think a lot - not just this stuff about the war and Ambrosine - only makes sense if you read all three books. If it weren't for my sister reading these books with me, I might've stopped reading after the first book as I was just so confused (nah, who am I kidding, I wouldn't ever stop reading a series if it wasn't way worse than this).

This book also keeps mentioning how there's no second chance, that death is death - but in swoops Tenley and dies soooo many times! Also, the after-you-die-in-your-Seconlife-you-will-be-dead doesn't count when one or multiple characters, that has already been killed off, needs to come back. But I suppose it works in the context.

BUT it's nice that the love triangle is long gone, though. This is a big plus for a YA! (Now, sadly, there's sex scenes... and it's horrible to read...)

When he finishes, I return the favor, lingering on his pecs and maybe kinda sorta the bulge between his legs. Not my fault. It’s a big bulge. Like, really big.

Some of the greater things are the Cristian layers with Troika = Heaven, Myriad = Hell, Many Ends = Purgatory and references to the Bible (that I recognize! What!), but the idea of forgiveness and loving one's neighbour and all that gets a tad overused. It's legit darkness VS light. I know that it's important to the story, as that's what Troika stands for, but still. It would've been nice to see more people from Troika not being so holy all the time and polishing their halos.

I still don't like Tenley, but oh well. (She marries at 17??)