A review by we_are_all_mad_here26
Blind Justice by Anne Perry


I made several notes during the reading of Blind Justice, the final of which reads: OH DEAR GOD ALREADY.

The first half of this book, and not a small portion of the second half, is comprised primarily of Oliver Rathbone's desperate inner monologue.

"But was it also his reason for taking such a monumental risk with his own career? Would he have done exactly the same had Drew not attacked Hester? Had his mind really been totally focused on delivering justice only within this particular case? He had lain awake and thought hard about it before making his decision, but had he thought clearly? Had he been completely honest? With all the disgust, the outrage, did he even know how to be?"

Honestly. It is lucky that I am by now fully and irrevocably committed to this series. Book #20 awaits.