A review by lakserk
Crooked Houses by Mark Beech


A physically imposing collection of weird/horror stories focusing on menacing buildings. As is usual with collections, the material is a bit uneven and thematically oscillating - there are a lot of different takes on the haunted house motif. However, (as other reviewers have noted) most of the stories feel that they're using the house just as background decor - with slight tweaking they could very well be inserted in a collection with a different theme. My main issue is that I expected to see houses, not humans, as protagonists; unfortunately this was rarely the case here.

The stories that truly stood out for me were: Colin Insole's "The Shepherd's House" (a folk horror-ish story which I would love to see expanded), Lynda E. Rucker's utterly frightful "Miasmata," James Doig's "At Lothesley, Montgomeryshire 1910" (my personal favourite, a James-ian rural tale), and Rebecca Lloyd's "In Cromer Road" (a weird folkloric take on the haunted house motif).