A review by karen_the_baroness
Mistletoe Mojo by Erin Johnson


I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy from the Author. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.Mistletoe Mojo by Erin Johnson is all about Rudie and Archer's wedding! It was an adorable read.

Who is the Christmas Thief? And why would they kill someone?

Rudie Hollybrook

Rudie Hollybrook is getting married to the love of her life in Archer, and it's just so cute that they are getting married on Yule. She is still a fantastic businesswoman who wants to have a beautiful wedding at the location she and Archer want. Rudie is working at her charity that is helping out an orphanage. I love everything about Rudie throughout this whole story. However, she tries to please everyone while not wanting to please them but doesn't know how to say no. Not only that, but I do like how she decided to find out who killed the victim. Rudie is a force to be reckoned with once she sets her mind on something, whether it be for her wedding or solving a murder.

Mistletoe Mojo CRThe Mystery

The mystery that Rudie stumbles into is at the orphanage. One of the wardens was making his rounds to make sure all the kids were asleep and ended up getting killed. Of course, Rudie and one of her sisters find the body. I have to say that I fell for the red herring, but I also had another suspect in the back of my mind the whole time. That other suspect happened to be it. I was surprised at the motive for the other suspect, though, and I hope the orphans get better-taken care of this time around.
Five Stars

Mistletoe Mojo by Erin Johnson is a cute Christmas-themed holiday book that has not only a mystery but a wedding on Yule which also happens to be Christmas. Ms. Johnson did a fabulous job on this book and had me guessing from the moment the dead body was found to the killer revealing themself. I am giving this book five stars and recommending it to all you cozy paranormal holiday mystery lovers out there. I love coming back to Holiday Haven. It is such a fantastic place.

The Winter Witches of Holiday Haven Series

  Sleigh Spells by Bella Falls Reindeer Runes by Danielle Garrett Holiday Hexes by J.L. Collins Winter Wishes by Elle Adams Cocoa Curses by Erin Johnson Cheery Charms by Bella Falls Holiday Hijinks by Elle Adams Jolly Jinxes by J.L. Collins Peppermint Pixies by Danielle Garrett Solstice Spirits by Erin Johnson Merry Mischief by Bella Falls Evergreen Falls by Danielle Garrett Icy Illusions by JL Collins Tinsel Trickery by Elle Adams Mistletoe Mojo by Erin Johnson
This series is also available on KindleUnlimted

Thank you for dropping by! I hope you enjoyed this review of Mistletoe Mojo by Erin Johnson.

Until the next time,

Karen Signature

Happy Reading!

Victim/Toe Tag: Anders St. Snow

Beachcomber Weapons: Knife

Beachcomber Crime Scene: Home

Detectives: Rudie Hollybrook

This review was originally posted on Baroness' Book Trove