A review by ameserole
Death Sworn by Leah Cypess


Kind of hard to rate - definitely between 3 and 4 stars though.

Death Sworn was a pretty interesting book. I won it from a reading challenge and went into this book with zero expectations. I ended up liking the book in the end, but I still feel like it was missing something.

Death Sworn takes place in an underground cave. Sounds cool already right?? You never see the outside world either which of course piqued my interest even more. Then there's Ileni, who was beyond awesome and a completely likable character. She wasn't magically amazing at every little thing with zero practice. Nope, she had flaws just like the rest of us mere mortals. She was also a freaking bad ass and I loved the drunk version of her. I have no idea if my drunk version is half as awesome as hers.. but I aspire to be that level of awesomeness one day. Maybe - I don't know.. the girl made me laugh.

Ileni does have powers though because she's a sorceress. However, her powers are slowly fading - probably because of the whole cave living thing.. but I'll get back to that (maybe). The Elders of this cave-like village, send her to some assassins to be their tutor. Of course this is where she could fall into trouble easily... because her powers are fucking fading people! If anyone catches this.. well, she's a goner.

Besides that horrifying thought, there was a smidge glimpse into some romance.. but I loved that nothing was instantaneously happening in this book. Again, people weren't magically amazing one minute after sucking ass before. I also fell even more in love with Ileni because she was just so amazing throughout the book.

Overall, it was an okay but super interesting book. The ending could've been better but I'm still going to end up reading the second book whenever I get my hands on it. I'm that committed guys!