A review by beckymmoe
Cowboy Seal Christmas by Nicole Helm


Reviewed on my blog, Becky on Books, on 9/23/18.

Ms. Helm clearly saved the best for last--I loved Monica and Gabe's story! The previous two books (this could be read as a standalone, but do yourself a favor and read all three) teased a Monica-and-Gabe pairing, but even so I didn't suspect the awesomeness that was in store for us :)

Gabe's been hiding all kinds of issues behind his smiles and easygoing charm, and though those closest to him suspect that there's something there, it's Monica, the ranch therapist who he's the most determined to keep away from. He. Doesn't. Need. A. Shrink.

Though he does rather like her kid...and darn it, he's more than a little attracted to her as well. Kicking and screaming doesn't even begin to cover how it is that Gabe gets drawn into this slow burn romance--there's also relentlessly cheerful Christmas bedding, a Montana blizzard, and a llama--and that's just scratching the surface of it.

Monica is a widow and a recovering (okay, she's not doing a very good job of recovering. But she tries. Kind of) helicopter parent where her ten-year-old son is concerned. She's attracted to Gabe and more than ready to move on after her loss, but has convinced herself that getting involved with one of the ex-military men at the ranch would destroy her credibility as the staff therapist. (Now that I think about it, I'm not 100% sure this issue was resolved...? It didn't seem like that big a problem anyway, so that's probably okay...) I loved watching her try to forge a relationship with Gabe, even though at times it was as painful to read as it was wonderful at others.

Let's just say the man does a darn good grovel, and it's fortunate for everyone that he does--even if he did have help. (He needed it. Good grief, the man practically tried to incinerate all the bridges in Montana when he pushed her away...)

Okay, now that all three of the Navy SEAL Cowboys have their HEAs, surely there's some other neighbors of the Lanes, Shaws, and/or Revival Ranch that need their turn? Please? :D

Rating: 4 1/2 stars / A

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.