A review by songwind
DarkWalker by John Urbancik


If mainstream urban fantasy has deep roots in the romance genre, Darkwalker is what it would look like if it had grown out of horror, instead.

Jack Harlow watches the things that go bump in the night. Sometimes they watch him back. Either way, they don't interfere with each other. But one night, that all changes, and every occult thing is after him like moths to a flame. Jack has to find out why, and get his untouchability back.

The book obviously has a significant backstory, but Urbancik doesn't dump it on us. We pick up what we need to know, and what the characters learn, as they learn it. It's enough to make the broad outline of the world apparent, but leave you wanting more. I like the approach a lot, and it makes me want to read more.

BTW, the book blurb here and on Amazon is almost entirely misleading. The publisher updated it so it doesn't imply that Jack is part of an organization.