A review by bookcoffeecake
Stormblood by Jeremy Szal


by Jeremy Szal what a wild ride this was.

The story explores the aftermath of a far reaching conflict between two alliances. One which one side was only able to win using Alien technology to augment special forces units, which they were strongly warned again. Leaving the former operators unable to function in normal society because the alien drug that was used, altered them on a fundamental level. The fallout of which has repercussions through the universe as people start using the drugs recreationally and they spread, rapidly. The protagonist is one of these former special forces operators, together with his Hacker friend they are drawn into a conflict that has been part of him on a deep level., long before he knew it and which will have consequences on a personal level and a global scale.

I really enjoyed the worldbuilding, the universe that teemed with odd tech, Aliens, weird and oftentimes terrifying uses of technology. It is both beautiful, vividly described. and bleak at times. Always hinting at more to learn, more to see and to wonder about.

The aliens were described literally as being alien yet when the protagonist comes into close contact with one of them, he behaves very human. This does not take any joy away from the story, but felt like a missed opportunity to really go there and be truly alien.

Overall, this is a great read. I hope we will get to see what happens after this book and maybe explore more parts of this Universe, which in many aspects reminds me of the works of Alastair Reynolds, especially the breath and depth of the unique and weird worlds.

I got this book as a free ARC for an honest review. I have at this point already bought the book, and I am looking forward to reading it anew once released. If you enjoy military Space Opera, this is a definity read.