A review by tashtonnes
Blast #1 by Wyndham Lewis, Bradford Morrow


An introduction to the short lived art movement of Vorticism, which is quite similar to Futurism, but is really defensive about the fact that it is definitely Not Futurism according to Lewis. They're not about the past OR the future, as those dirty Futurists are. So what are the Vorticists about? After reading their manifesto I still couldn't really tell you, contradiction maybe? Though maybe they'd bless and blast that as well

This volume is a compilation of drawings, plays, poetry and stories, which I am really rather glad about. I think that with something so '''''avant garde''''' and experimental it can be very hit or miss, or bless or blast I suppose for example: Enemy of the Stars, Blast (there is a difference between being minimalist and philosophical and being obtuse and opaque Lewis) and The Saddest Story, Bless, so having a number of different mediums and authors gives it a lot more room to either get it right or wrong

So I mean if you like being confused while being provided with a vague hint that there is something deeper going on check it out I guess

Although I really really would not recc spending prolonged periods of time with this volume, dipping in and out is the way to not get infuriated imo

The best part about this volume tho is thanks to both it and google I found out imberb means beardless, which is cool and goes on the list of words that will never come up irl