A review by inabookishworld29
Fifty First Times by Julie Cross


I did NOT finish this book. I read the first two stories completely, but didn't liked them... If I would have to rate them, I'd give them both less than 3 stars...

The reason why I started this book though, is because of the story 'Believe In Me' by J. Lynn.
I read this one completely and LOVED it!!
I wrote a mini review about Believe Me:

I may read the other ones in the future, but not right now.I recently found out about this short story. It's been published in Fifty First Times: A New Adult Anthology.
I've always been curious about Ollie's background story. I liked him a lot in Wait For You. He's super funny and ugh. I just love him.

I started reading and immediately squealed BECAUSE IT IS IN OLLIE'S POV!! Argh, it was so good!
He's the most sweetest guy ever! And seriously, this book is waaaaaaaay too short!! I want a full book about him, like ASAP!

Here are some quotes I just loved:

"Maybe I needed to buy her a turtle. That seems to have worked for Cam. Then again, she'd probably throw the turtle in my face and that wouldn't be fun, but she'd look hot doing it."

"Oliver Ryan," she said, and holy Christ cookies, I almost came hearing her say my full name. "I think you might actually like me."

"I've never been big on kissing, Brit. What's the point in it? But with you, I could fucking kiss you all night long. And throughout tomorrow, too."

"A smile was permanently etched on my face, and I knew it was the same kind of smile Cam wore whenever he was around Avery. I finally got what it meant and why."