A review by amyinthewind
Comfort: A Journey Through Grief by Ann Hood


This is the story of a mother whose 5yr old daughter dies suddenly from a rare strep infection. The book was published 6 years after her daughter's death. I picked it up at the library because the book jacket mentioned knitting as part of a journey through grief, and I have found my own solace in crocheting. The book is somewhat disjointed, jumping back & forth in time. I had no idea that author had a step-daughter until chapter 9 (of 10). Mother's Days and birthdays and anniversary's of the child's death are mentioned throughout the book but not chronologically...skipping somewhat confusingly from the 3rd year back to the 1st.

But then, I can only be so hard on the author. How *does* one write about grief...about such profound loss. Grief feels totally disjointed, confusing, and foggy. And grief is such a unique and personal experience that it would be impossible to write a book that resonated with everyone. Someone, somewhere will pick up this book, and it will be exactly what they needed.