A review by spinesinaline
The Solid-State Shuffle by Jeffrey A. Ballard


Read the whole review at https://spinesinaline.wordpress.com

I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

This is the continuation of a short story I read earlier this year: Underwater Restorations. Now we’re back with Isa, Puo, and Winn after their misadventures in the last story have led them to a new city. Enough background info is provided that you don’t need to read the first story but it is helpful if you do.

For me, I never really connected with any of the characters so that's why this gets a lower rating. There's just something missing in their development that I couldn't totally get on board.

Still, it's a very unique story which is what most interested me in this series, and I know there will be much in store for wherever the next book takes off!