A review by krystlekouture
Judge & Jury by James Patterson, Andrew Gross

Enjoyability: 5

The book is Fast paced and exciting From beginning to end. I expected it to be a court room drama with witness testimonies and lawyer bickering. However, it ended on not Focusing on court at all. I especially enjoyed it as it centers on a maFia boss and I'm a total maFia junkie.

Re-Readability: 1

Character Development: 3
The characters were likable enough, but Failed to show appropriate emotion. Seemed more like the author was making the do what he wanted, without staying true to their character. The villain was also especially disturbing even For a Patterson novel.

Complexity: 5
There were several character's subplots, and a romance thrown in besides the main bad guy.

Writing Style: 4

Personally I love Patterson's quick chapters and short descriptions. Makes it easy to read 100 pages in an hour or so.

Believability: 3

Its scary really how when explained properly most oF the events are plausible. However things went right For the characters a Few too many times to be entirely realistic. Also, the villains seemed to be superheroes that would just reFuse to go down!

Overall: 3.5