A review by elbowgrip_and_emdash
The Realm of Last Chances by Steve Yarbrough


A solid novel with strong, unshowy writing. As someone who currently lives in Boston, it was fun to read a novel set in Boston/Greater Boston. Yarbrough passes among myriad third-person narrators, employing at times a successful use of flash forward/"what if" that points at the true omniscient nature of his narration. I was underwhelmed by the main subplot (violations of academic integrity at Kristin's new college) as well as the reveal of Cal's past violence, which more or less is the closing note of the book (and the opening, sorta, since we learn early that he's changed his name). Still, a solid novel, as I said, with a lot to be gleaned in terms of craft and technique (I say this also as one of his students). I will be reading more from this author.