A review by constantreader471
Badlands by C.J. Box


I enjoyed reading this library book and I am counting it for North Dakota in my US state challenge. This book is more of a thriller than a mystery, in that the bad guys are revealed early on. The suspense builds as they start killing people, while they look for a missing bag of drugs worth over a million dollars. The key to the missing drugs is a 12 year old boy who is mentally challenged, due to fetal alcohol syndrome. This book 2 in the Cassie Dewell series, but it read ok as a stand alone.

Cassie is a single mother, widow of a soldier killed in Afghanistan. She has quit her job in Montana to take a better job in N. Dakota. She is now the Chief Investigator for the Bakken County, ND, Sheriff's Dept. The Sheriff warns her that there could be corrupt deputies in his department and she must only report to him. This book takes place during a bitter N. Dakota winter where temperatures drop to minus 20 or 30 overnight and don't get above freezing(32F) in the daytime. A good book to read in the hot summer. I read it in 3 days, finding it hard to put down about half way through.

I thought the characters were believable and the plot moved along briskly. I liked the ending. There is a plot line that sets up book 3 in the series. I plan to read more of this series.