A review by urlphantomhive
Blackout by Tim Curran



Read all my reviews on http://urlphantomhive.booklikes.com

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review, thank you!

After seeing all the positive reviews for Blackout I a) really wanted to read it, and b) really wanted to like it. To avoid spoilers I didn't do a lot of research as to what the story was about.

I won't tell anything about the story either, it's better to let you find out for yourself. Let's just say that life gets quite tough, quite fast. At the beginning you can feel the tension is rising and something terrible is going to happen. I didn't like the ending as much, as it seemed a mash up of


at least the modern War of the Worlds movie remake (could be just me, that I don't know enough about Sci-Fi to distinguish ancient aliens invading and killing all humans stories from one another) and the fifth story of Cloud Atlas.

Would still recommend though.