A review by spookyoctopusreads
Crazytimes by Scott Cole


I am not sure Scott Cole could have chosen a more perfect title for this book, as it is insanely bat shit crazy! And who decided that bat shit was the craziest? But, I suppose that is beside the point. This book is nuts, guys.

I kept going back and forth between being horrified and giggling throughout the majority of the wildly quick read. (Is that weird?) The story starts off as a relatable tale of a man who just isn't feeling the waking up on a Monday and going back to the grind thing, then the story heads off into bizarro-land. Trey's day goes from a very predictable, albeit annoying and unwanted, Monday to all out mayhem, gore, and unbelievable insanity. Just when you think it cannot get any more insane, it does just that (and then some).

I cannot rave enough about the incredibly accessible and conversational style of Cole's writing. It was almost as if you were sitting with the main character, Trey, as he was telling you about the weirdest day that he just had. I think that is part of the appeal of this story; the narrator is so "approachable."

Please do not go into this book thinking, "Ehhh...it's called Crazytimes. I guess it may be a little silly with some gore." Ummm...this novella lives up to its title in every sense. I went in to this book relatively blind, and I was blown away. This is the kind of story I love...something that is off the wall but still has all the gore and shock that I live for. Scott Cole is certainly going to be an author that I seek out more from in the future.