A review by jim_bar
Clowns Vs. Spiders by Jeff Strand


Man-eating spiders have taken over the town, and it's up to Jaunty and his gang of clowns—freshly fired from the circus—to hunt them down and take them out.

This seemed like it would be so far up my alley, and I was charmed in the beginning! I didn't expect the kind, awkward main cast that I got. But over time, the charm wore off, especially when the action ramped up.

Because the characters, even those portrayed in the side stories, used similar dialogue with the same beats, they started to mesh together. As the clowns fought off hordes of spiders, I needed far less conversation and a lot more action. The dialogue killed the stakes because they over-rationalized everything and went back and forth in their own awkward way that I eventually stopped enjoying it. It slowed the story down too much for my liking.

So in the end, what began with promise and charm never gave me the rises and falls that I look for in a book like this.